New haircut... Modeling the coif du jour with my feather headband, natch.

Brad seems to like it! Hahaha. :-) Such a goober.

So what about you? Were you destined for another era? Check out 1982... It's a trip!
Brad seems to like it! Hahaha. :-) Such a goober.
I had a lot of fun tonight with this site, "Yearbook Yourself." You upload a photo of yourself and see what you would have looked like in days gone by, from 1950 - 2000. Check me out as a high school senior in 1992... Awesome!

I LOVE your hair!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! It's a new cut right? Much shorter! And I love the curls WITH the feathers! What an innate sense of style you have, my kindred! And it's totally obvi that Brad would like it too. How could he not?
Cute Cute Cute! Are those curls natural or with a curling iron?
This is hilarious! What a fun idea!
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